Satisfying hunger by eating is an inherently pleasurable experience. As a couple, you have shared food and drink and it has served to enhance your relationship. Eating and sleeping define our basic vegetative needs and provide a potential structure and rhythm for people who meaningfully share their lives. Harnessing the potential of food and meals in your family will allow you to define your core values and share in the everyday joys of those you love.
Divorce, separation, single parenting are all too familiar in the lives of families in contemporary society. Living together with an intimate mate creates profound psychological, emotional, and logistical challenges. Many couples who chose to move in together find themselves having more tensions and less satisfaction. It is in the very nature of sharing space that the intimate psychological dance begins to truly unfold. The reservoir of melodies and noise that shaped our early years reassert themselves as we find ourselves in conflict between the confusing loyalties of our past and the current demands of our partner in life in the present. Couples that are able to negotiate the dueling themes of their past begin to emerge with a coherent narrative that is able to accommodate the needs and dreams of each. Within this developing story, couples “choose” to bring in a child.